How to care for an orchid: the 5 most important aspects
Most people think that these are very delicate plants and that their care is complicated. And although, like all living beings, they require specific attention and conditions, orchids and their beautiful flowers can last for many years without the need for very advanced knowledge.
The first thing to take into account to know how to care for an orchid is its type, since not all are the same, and therefore do not require the same care.
The most common is the Phalaenopsis , which is the one that is usually sold in Spain in florists and nurseries, since it adapts better to the conditions inside the house than outside.
But in any case, whatever your specific species, these are the 5 essential aspects that we must know to keep our orchid in an optimal state:
- Light : as for any other plant, it is essential for the life of the orchid. However, you have to be careful when choosing the place to place it, since it needs a large quantity, but it cannot receive direct sun, especially in summer.
The ideal is to place it near a window where the sun's rays do not fall, or even on a balcony, in summer, but always in a shady area, so that it receives light but avoids direct sun.
- Humidity: orchids do not need a lot of water, so it will be enough to water them once every 10 days, approximately. The most important thing is that the roots do not have too much moisture, since they could rot or fungus appear.
On the other hand, the leaves should not be excessively wet. The ideal is to moisten them with a vaporizer, if possible with low-lime water, and try not to wet the heart of the flower. The best way to water an orchid is to submerge the base of the plant in a large container of water for a few minutes, then let it drain.
- Temperature: another essential factor when caring for any plant. For an orchid, the ideal is between 17 and 22 degrees Celsius. It is convenient to move it in the different seasons of the year, preserving it from extreme heat in summer, in the same way that it will need to be kept away from the cold in winter.
- Pest Control : Take a close look at your orchid every so often, looking for traits that tell you if it's suffering from a disease. This is not often the case if the plant is indoors, but you should be alert if your orchid is outside your home, especially if it is in a garden.
If you notice that the orchid is sick, it is best to consult a professional, who will advise you on how to care for it and what products to use for it.
- Nutrients: It is necessary to add artificial nutrients to orchids on a regular basis, as it helps them to grow healthy and will also encourage the appearance of new flowers.

Transplant an orchid: how to do it
When we buy or receive an orchid as a gift, on many occasions, the container where it is delivered is not the most appropriate. Therefore, it is convenient to transplant it to another that meets the necessary requirements so that the plant lives a long time healthy and beautiful.
For this, you will need:
- Suitable pot : it is best if the orchid is transplanted into a transparent pot. Thus, not only will we be able to check more easily if the roots are rotting due to excess water, or if they are being affected by some type of pest, but also more light will reach them than if we kept them in a planter or opaque pot.
- Substrate : since orchids are tropical plants that grow in forests and swamps, it is not recommended that they be planted in the common soil that we would use for other plants. It is convenient to do it in pieces of bark, since these allow the roots more movement and oxygenation, and also absorb the necessary amount of water.
- Pruning : When the flowers of your orchid have fallen, it is necessary that you prune the plant. To do this, search the stem for the buds, and cut this below the first one you find. So the plant will bloom again.
You can send orchids worldwide, in countries like France, Mexico, Norway, and many more.